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adolescent Health conference
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 Anyira teenage Rescue Foundation organised a two-day adolescent Health conference in Gulu City with the main objective of reaching out to the hearts of the adolescent girls and boys during the long Christmas holiday season.
The objectives of the conference were:
- To sensitise the adolescents and young people about their body changes and how to conduct themselves.
- To bring to the knowledge of the adolescents the magnitude of sexual reproductive health challenges facing them.
- Have the young people guided in their career choices
- Generate a data base for model adolescents in the region
- Enable interphase between the adolescents and role models in society.
- Develop a tracking mechanism for our pioneer teenagers through their career path
Topical areas to covered
- Introduction to Adolescence
- Teenage pregnancy and its dangers and complications
- Regional level Statistics in regards to the Adolescents’ Sexual Reproductive Health
- Testimonies of Adolescent/Teenage mothers
- Career guidance in formal education.
- Career guidance out side school
- Role of the boy child in rescuing their Female counter parts in the community.
- Breakout sessions, Girls and Boys
- Key note address on Adolescent Health
Outputs of the Adolescent Health conference
- A total of 108 teenagers and adolescents signed up and participated in the ADH conference.
- A total of 8 teenage mothers participated in the ADH conference.
- A total of 7 parents from Light Ray Uganda participated in the conference, this gave the teenagers an insight on respectful parenting and expectations of parents from their children in and outside school.
- A teenage mother who has returned to school shared a testimony of her tough journey and now has returned back to school to encourage the other teenage mothers.
- A teenage mother outside school shared her story and plans to enrol for vocational training for livelihood.
- Had A multi-sectoral panel discussion on how to combat teenage pregnancy. The panel comprised the City Community Development officer, Regional Obstetrician, a parent, A teenager in school and a teenage mother. This panel generated meaningful discussion and gaps in adolescent health care was identified and the young people came up with possible solutions.
- Group sessions on teenage rescue plans in and outside schools, these plans were shared by the teenagers themselves.
- Individual goals and visions were set after the career guidance sessions for both teenagers in and out of school.
- The chief guest in her remarks sighted that she was a teenage mother who focused on education and eventually has succeeded in life, this was an encouragement to the teenage mothers present.
Challenges faced
- Vulnerable teenagers in community could not afford the cost of the conference as it was paid for.
- The two days were too short to cover the whole curriculum on adolescent health and life skills.
- There was language barrier for the teenagers who were unable to understand English language. We did not plan for an interpreter.
- Vaccination against Human papilloma virus (HPV) and tetanus did not take place during the conference days.
- Lack of funds to facilitate the guest speakers at the conference
- Formulate and sign a memorandum of understanding with Imani Doctors Clinic and Gulu Regional Referral Hospital to guarantee vaccination services at our conference sessions.
- Timely popularization of the Adolescent Health conference for resource mobilization.
- Partnering with the regional referral Hospital to better lobby for funding support towards the conference.
- Formulating a formal Adolescent Health training curriculum for ATRUF and confirm number of days.
- Designing a separate training curriculum for the LUO speaking audience/teenagers.
- Lobby for funding for organization activities