Anyira Teenage Rescue Foundation

The Youth Drop In Center

vision for the future

The Youth Drop In Center

Anyira Teenage Rescue Foundation intends to set up a youth friendly drop-in center in Gulu city. The center will have elements like; a youth friendly clinic, Information and games corners. This will enable these young people make Reproductive Health consultations, get treatment and health talks on SBCC (Social and Behavior Change Communication).


At the Youth drop-in Center, we shall have periodic conferences, condom pick-ups, games, peer and sex education, and care for the pregnant teens through delivery and immediate post-natal period.

General objective

To improve access to sexual reproductive health (SRH)services for teenagers, provision of  basic  emergency obstetric care  and means of livelihood for the teenage mothers.

Our goal is to achieve the vision as follows:


Teenage pregnancy rates in Uganda

Teenage mothers are termed as high risk because of their likelihood of developing obstetric complications.

The survival of a baby born to a teenage mother remains at stake due to the emotional immaturity of its mother.

Teenage pregnancy rate in uganda
0 %
Teenage Mothers rate in Acholi
0 %
first antenatal are teenagers
0 %

The Movement

Join the cause

To improve access to sexual reproductive health (SRH)services for teenagers